World Blueberry Production by Country

Countries by Blueberry Production.

  • United States of America is the largest blueberry producer in the world with 351,130 tonnes production per year.
  • Peru comes second with 227,971 tonnes yearly production.
  • With 146,551 tonnes of production per year, Canada is the third largest producer of blueberry.
  • China, with 0 tonnes of production per year is ranked at 38.
World Blueberry Production by Country
Country Production (Tons) Production per Person (Kg) Acreage (Hectare) Yield (Kg / Hectare)
United States of America 351,130 1.071 48,724 7,206.5
Peru 227,971 7.298 16,041 14,211.7
Canada 146,551 3.938 41,932 3,495
Chile 122,794.82 6.987 18,216 6,741
Mexico 66,481.52 0.533 5,833 11,398.1
Spain 61,230 1.312 4,570 13,398.2
Poland 55,300 1.439 10,700 5,168.2
Portugal 17,140 1.666 2,590 6,617.8
Germany 15,640 0.189 3,360 4,654.8
Italy 8,750 0.145 1,200 7,291.7
The Netherlands 8,500 0.493 850 10,000
France 7,916 0.118 2,237 3,538.7
Australia 6,191.64 0.247 1,676 3,694.4
Russian Federation 4,000 0.027 733 5,458.9
New Zealand 3,680.12 0.751 760 4,842.3
Romania 1,930 0.099 710 2,718.3
Lithuania 1,840 0.657 1,460 1,260.3
Austria 1,740 0.197 220 7,909.1
Belgium 830 0.073 120 6,916.7
Switzerland 680 0.08 106 6,415.1
Uzbekistan 663.49 0.02 97 6,813.6
Croatia 540 0.129 380 1,421.1
Latvia 500 0.26 600 833.3
Slovenia 260 0.126 70 3,714.3
Finland 190 0.034 90 2,111.1
Slovakia 180 0.033 70 2,571.4
Ukraine 140 0.003 100 1,400
Denmark 120 0.021 100 1,200
Bulgaria 110 0.016 70 1,571.4
Sweden 100 0.01 50 2,000
Morocco 71.02 0.002 16 4,452.7
Hungary 50 0.005 40 1,250
Norway 40 0.008 20 2,000
Taiwan 0 0 0 N/A
Malta 0 0 0 N/A
Japan 0 0 0 N/A
Greece 0 0 0 N/A
China 0 0 0 N/A
Kyrgyzstan 0 0 0 N/A
Estonia 0 0 0 N/A

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